On 8 May 2008, at 10:32 PM, Josh wrote:

> Hi Christiaan,
> thanks for the quick reply.
>>> 1. Can I convince BibDesk not to use the "-" which is undesirable  
>>> with
>>> the editor that i use. Autocompletion only works until the end of a
>>> word, not including "-"
>> No, that's not supported. All the rules are listed in the appendix in
>> the Help.
> for me this is bad, because i cant use the autocompletion function of
> vim. is it planed for the future to make it optional?

No. The limit of possible options has already been reached (if not  

>>> 2. Can i convince BibDesk to count every word, so that my bibtex
>>> file is
>>> compatible with my old papers?
>> Yes, use "%T[0]".
> i think i was misunderstood. what i meant is that if i use %T3, that  
> all
> words are counted, i.e. that "and" is counted as word as in the  
> example
> i gave for jabref:
> Jabref:   Hulse2004Structureandfunction
> BibDesk:  Hulse2004Structure-and-function-of-evolved
> in both cases, the tool was asked to use the first three words of the
> title. jabref counts every word as a word, bibdesk omits the words  
> "and"
> and "of".
> cheers,
> josh

And that's exactly what I understood and gave an answer to. The number  
between brackets gives the maximum size of words not to count. By  
default this is 3, but by setting it to 0 all words are counted.


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