On Jul 13, 2008, at 1:09 PM, Jonas Zimmermann wrote:

Am 13.07.2008 um 20:36 schrieb Adam R. Maxwell:
On Jul 13, 2008, at 11:21 AM, Jonas Zimmermann wrote:
Another, unrelated thing: When I try to add a PDF to a new bibentry
detail view by right-clicking on the documents pane, the "Safari
Recent Downloads" submenu never is populated,
Do you have a ~/Library/Safari/Downloads.plist file that's up-to-
date?  It's reverse-engineered, which was really never a safe thing
to do...

That seems to be the problem. Downloads.plist seems to be only saved
when Safari is closed, however I've set Safari to clear the Downloads
list when ending Safari.

Yeah, that would explain it. It makes sense that Safari only writes that out when it quits, but it makes that submenu much less useful. I use OmniWeb so I've never found it useful anyway (hence the recent downloads menu :).

and the "Link to Recent
Downloads" submenu contains some entries, but not all (and seemingly
never what I'm looking for). "Recently used documents" does work
The recent downloads is populated with files added to the download
folder in the last 7 days.

OK, that's "recent". I should've known.

It seemed like a reasonable cutoff. That menu can get overwhelmingly large.

I don't know how the Safari Downloads are accessed, but (a) I use
German as my OS's language, and (b) I've change the default download

What OS version are you using?  If 10.5, the system's default ~/
Downloads folder is read; if you don't use that, you're out of luck
since it's now an official location.  If 10.4, Internet Config is
used, which may or may not work properly.

My bad, I'm on 10.5 and now with the default Downloads folder (I used
to have a custom folder from 10.2 on).
But still, one can change the Dpwnloads folder from within Safari, so
that shouldn't be hardcoded, probably.

On 10.4 we used Internet Config, which has been deprecated since OS X 10.0 or so with no replacement in sight. As a holdover from classic Mac OS, IC allowed flexibility in setting the download folder, but Safari and BibDesk were about the only apps that used it :).

In 10.5, Apple introduced a new Download folder type that's available in the FindFolder call to the file manager, and BibDesk uses that call (which apparently returns a hardcoded ~/Downloads path). I'd been using ~/Desktop/Downloads for years, but finally changed to the system default, now that one exists. I agree that hardcoding folder paths like that is annoying, but if Apple allows changing it for all apps, BibDesk will point to the correct folder.


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