On 28 Jul 2008, at 4:08 AM, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:

> On Jul 27, 2008, at 2:11 PM, Christiaan Hofman wrote:
>> I also don't see anything wrong. Also, I have no problem opening a
>> file with the pasted item. Can you send me the full .bib file off
>> list? BTW, you see this error in the error panel?
> I see it, although it's a warning rather than an error, and a file  
> icon shows up.  Was this run through a pretty-printer (or maybe the  
> mailing list inserts space/newline)?  Openssl won't decode the  
> base64 string as passed into BDSKLinkedFile, but GNU coreutils'  
> base64 decoder will read it if you tell it to ignore garbage  
> (RFC4648 says not to insert newlines in base64 data, and presumably  
> spaces are also problematic).
> -- 
> adam

Yes, I see the warning now. Should be harmless.

I inserted the newlines for saving to avoid long lines. The base64  
parser in the Omni frameworks ignores garnage characters like newlines  
and spaces. We could always clean the passed in string from newlines  
and spaces before decoding, as we inserted them in the first place,  
but it's not necessary. Here's an excerpt from bibtex.g in the btparse  

  * However, I've added some trickery here that lets us heuristically  
  * runaway strings.  The heuristic is as follows: anytime we have a  
  * in a string, that's reason to suspect a runaway.  We follow up on  
  * suspicion by slurping everything that could reasonably be part of  
  * string and still be in the same line (i.e., a string of anything  
  * newline, braces, parentheses, double-quote, and backslash), and then
  * calling check_runaway_string().  This function then "backs up" to  
  * beginning of the slurped string (the newline), and scans ahead  
  * for one of two patterns: "@name[{(]", or "name=" (with optional
  * whitespace between the "tokens").  (Actually, it first makes a  
pass over
  * the string to convert all whitespace characters -- including the  
  * newline -- to spaces.  So, it's effectively looking for "\ [EMAIL 
  * *[\{\(]" (DLG regexp syntax) or "\ *NAME\ *=", where
  * NAME="[a-z][a-z0-9+/:'.-]*" -- that is, something that looks like  
  * start of an entry or a new field, but in a string (where they almost
  * certainly shouldn't occur).  Of course, there are no explicit  
  * there -- it's all coded as a little hand-crafted automaton in C.
  * At any rate, if either one of these patterns is matched,
  * check_runaway_string() prints a warning and sets a flag so that we  
  * print that warning -- or indeed, even scan for the suspect  
patterns --
  * more than once for the current string.  (Because chances are if it
  * occurs once, it'll occur again and again and again.)

So it's the newline in the long string in combination with the "=" at  
the end that triggers the warning.

Anyway, it's harmless.


>> On 27 Jul 2008, at 9:23 PM, Rolf Schmolling wrote:
>>> Hello Knowledgeable Ones,
>>> after adding some new items in my Bibdesk-database I get three of
>>> these strange and new errors upon re-opening Bibdesk:
>>> "possible runaway string at line…" for three itmes.
>>> I cannot see anything obviously wrong with these entries, they have
>>> pdf-files attached. The last line below is marked, in this
>>> One of the bibentrys, BibDesk reports as with "possible runaway  
>>> string
>>> started at line…"
>>> @incollection{Noll:2000aa,
>>>     Author = {Noll, Colette},
>>>     Booktitle = {Zwischen Anpassung und Widerstand: Weibliche
>>> H{\"a}ftlinge des KZ-Au{\ss}enlagers Haselhorst},
>>>     Crossref = {Hilgendorff:2001:4856},
>>>     Date-Added = {2008-07-17 14:22:40 +0200},
>>>     Date-Modified = {2008-07-17 14:36:59 +0200},
>>>     Keywords = {Eig. Promotion, SS, KZ, Zweiter Weltkrieg, Deutschland
>>> 1918-1945, Elektroindustrie und Kriegswirtschaft, Zwangsarbeit,
>>> Siemens, SSW, SKG, S\&H, Siemensstadt, Gartenfeld, Frauen,
>>> {\"U}berlebende, Oral History, Colette Noll, Marguerite Metay{\'e}r,
>>> Fracoise Comte, Bildquelle},
>>>     Pages = {91--92},
>>>     Shortauthor = {Noll},
>>>     Shortbooktitle = {Anpassung und Widerstand},
>>>     Shorttitle = {H{\"a}ftlingsliste},
>>>     Title = {Liste der franz{\"o}sischen H{\"a}ftlinge des
>>> Au{\ss}enlagers Haselhorst, Sommer 2000},
>>>     Year = {2000},
>>>     Annote = {Ordner 42
>>> Hinweis: Aufstellung Stand 2000 enth{\"a}lt Angaben {\"u}ber
>>> verstorben oder nicht, zu diesem Zeitpunkt soll Marguerite Metayer
>>> also noch gelebt haben.},
>>>     Bdsk-File-1 =
>>> /0AHPf8QBz3aoAc89gA
>>> HPJXgBri3sAAgBZTWFjaW50b3NoIEhEOlVzZXJzOnJvbGZzY2htb2xsaW5nOkRvY3VtZW50czpU
>>> ZXh0ZTpMaXRlcmF0dXJfU291cmNlczpQYXBlcnM6Tm9sbDIwMDBhYS5wZGYAAA4AHgAOAE4AbwB
>>> xVc2Vycy9yb2xmc2NobW9sbGluZy9Eb2N1bWVudHMvVGV4dGUvTGl0ZXJhdHVyX1NvdXJjZXMvU
>>> 8AANIeHyAhWCRjbGFzc2VzWiRjbGFz
>>> What shall I do?
>>> --
>>> Rolf Schmolling M.A. Historian, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> http://rolf_schmolling.macbay.de/
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