I have put together another iPhone template, partly based on the one Steve Richardson posted to this list. Here are the basic features
- formats refs. for article, book, inbook
- default display is author, date, title
- click on a record to reveal
-- further reference info
-- the first two URLs associated with the record
-- an auto-generated URL for a google scholar search for the item
-- a link to compose a new e-mail containing the reference (convenient for sending off references @ conferences etc.)

You can find it at http://dfay.fastmail.fm/bibdesk/iphone_template.zip

It will be very helpful to also install the Find in this page bookmarklet from http://www.lifeclever.com/17-powerful-bookmarklets-for-your-iphone/

Of course you also need a server on which to put the HTML & css output. The zip also includes a copy of the BibDesk icon which can be posted on the server as well to allow you to customize the icon on the phone.

I've found that Safari on the iPhone crashes often with my full 2000+ item bibliography, but it seems pretty stable with bibliographies of a few hundred items.


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