On Feb 21, 2009, at 3:45 AM, Alex Hamann wrote:

On 21.02.2009, at 00:30, <jirin...@centrum.cz> <jirin...@centrum.cz>

I would like to ask where to look for documentation and some kind
of guide for using latest bibdesk.

A good starting point is the BibDesk Help and the Wiki.

Right, and these should be easier to find than this mailing list. Have you read through the available documentation?

I work in the field of chemistry, physics and materials science and
pretty much only database I am using is WebOfScience, with it's
links for fulltexts.

BibDesk allows you to search Web of Science directly, so you may find that useful. I don't think WoS provides full text links via the SOAP web service, but I use Alex Montgomery's SFX OpenURL script to get the document.

<snip autofile description>

This is very handy to
keep track of large numbers of files and make sure they are stored
logically in a specific place on the HD.

Right, and BibDesk will also index the content of those files and allow you to search them. This isn't limited to PDF, either; PS, DVI, RTF, HTML, and others are supported via Spotlight.

Moving on to TeXShop and BibDesk. You say you know some LaTeX so I
won't touch on that and rather talk about the integration of BibDesk
with TeXShop (or any other TeX editor for that matter).
Write your tex file in TeXShop as you would normally do (preamble,
right packages and package options, etc.) At the point where you want
to insert a citation drag and drop an entry from BibDesk's main
window to the TeXShop editor window.

In the latest versions of TeXShop, you can use BibDesk autocompletion in TeXShop (check the appropriate box in preferences). In that case, you can just stay in TeXShop and type "\cite{xxx", then hit esc or opt- esc to search for "xxx" and show a list of possible matches. If I recall correctly, author, title, citekey, and keywords are searched.

Alex's way also works, of course, and you can drag from BibDesk's cite drawer or use the Services menu in TeXShop or any other text editor.


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