Hi all,

        I have a set of macros at the beginning of my database:

@string{cup = {Cambridge University Press}}
@string{pup = {Princeton University Press}}

I created these in BD using the Database -> Macros feature. I think I must not quite understand how the macros work, because when I enter, e.g., "pup" in the publisher field of a book entry, the abbreviation is not expanded when I run latex and bibtex. I get "pup" in the reference list instead of my intended Princeton University Press.

This behavior occurs no matter which style I use (at least on plplain, plainnat, and my home-cooked file). What do I need to be doing to make the macro expand?

Nathan A. Paxton
Ph.D. Candidate
Dept. of Government, Harvard University

Resident Tutor
John Winthrop House, Harvard University

napaxton AT fas DOT harvard DOT edu
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