On 11 Mar 2009, at 10:57 AM, Alex Hamann wrote:

> On 11.03.2009, at 01:18, Christiaan Hofman wrote:
>> On 11 Mar 2009, at 1:23 AM, Alex Hamann wrote:
>>> Version 1.3.20 (1429)
>>> when I add a new static group I get the warning that this action  
>>> will
>>> change the keyword in 0 item. After clicking ok the first keyword is
>>> then selected in the keyword column on the left.
>>> Does no harm but is obviously the wrong warning.
>>> Alex
>> I cannot reproduce this. What OS version do you use? And does this
>> happen /after/ you hit enter to commit the name for the new group?
>> Christiaan
> Hi
> I am on 10.4.11. It happens after right after I press enter to commit
> the name for the new group. Just tried again with a new bibliography
> containing one item ony and it is fully reproducible here.
> A.

I guess Tiger and Leopard have a different editing behavior. Try the  
latest nightly.


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