On 3 Apr 2009, at 10:51 PM, James Howison wrote:

> On 3 Apr 2009, at 12:23 PM, Malcolm Wardlaw wrote:
>> I have two questions that I can't seem to find the answer to.
>> First, I want to write a script to rename all of my attached PDFs  
>> to a
>> specified format.  I can't seem to find any documentation on the
>> correct applescript identifiers to call and rename attached files.
> No idea.

The documentation is in the scripting dictionary that you can view  
using Script Editor. You probably want to use the "parse format"  
command. Or perhaps the "autofile" command. However what you want can  
be done much more efficiently using the Auto File menu item.

>> The second question is one about the built in function that renames
>> documents.  The issue is that whenever there is colon in my article
>> Title, it converts it to a slash which messes things up with the
>> paths.  Is there any advice on this?
> Ok, the colon slash thing is very confusing.  It stays a colon, but
> Mac OS X displays that as a slash.  It's a hangover from pre-X Mac OS.
> This is the behavior in finder too, so the feeling of the project was
> to leave it the way it is.  I have mixed feelings on that :)  AFAIK it
> doesn't "mess up the paths"; maybe you could give more detail on the
> negative behavior you are seeing?
> thanks,
> James

Another thing to add is the difference between a mac/finder style path  
and a unix/posix style path. A major difference is that mac/finder  
uses the colon as path separator, and unix/posix uses a slash. A (unix/ 
posix) path can contain a colon, it's just that when it's translated  
to a mac/finder style path the colon is replaced by a slash in order  
to not confuse the path separator. Similarly, a slash in the mac/ 
finder style path is replaced by a colon in the unix/posix style path.  
So it's really a 1-to-1 mapping. As a result, the slash won't mess  
things up. The point is that you can't use a slash in the UNIX path,  
but the slash you see in the FINDER does not appear in the UNIX path.  
So I'm pretty sure that nothing is messed up for you.


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