On Jul 22, 2009, at 12:45 AM, Helly John wrote:

> Hi.
> I can't find anything on the archives about this so hope it is not
> often-asked previously.
> I'm new to BibDesk but want to use it to create entries for data
> files.  In Preferences > Fields you can add new fields and it looks
> like you can also define new BibTeX types but how do you save them and
> share them?  Won't they be lost the next time you update BibDesk to a
> later release?
> Thanks.
> -----------------------------------------------
> John Helly / San Diego Supercomputer Center & Climate, Atmospheric
> Science, and Physical Oceanography/Scripps Institution of
> Oceanography / UCSD / +01 760 840 8660 mobile / stonesteps (Skype) /
> stonesteps7 (iChat) / http://www.sdsc.edu/~hellyj

They're not lost, they're kept in ~/Library/Application Support/BibDesk


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