On 10/14/09 01:26, "Andreas Fischlin" <andreas.fisch...@env.ethz.ch> wrote:

> Agreed the message is confusing, since it may well be that the problem has
> nothing to do with "not having permission", but rather with not being unable
> to retrieve results for other reasons as well.

That is why it says "may not" instead of "do not" in the dialog.  The
warning was intended to cover attempts to access an ISI database your
institution doesn't pay for, and attempts to access it from outside your
institution's IP range.  Those were the errors I ran across while writing
> Having encountered similar problems, I was generally more successful while
> using field tags. Try to search with using field tag title, i.e.
>     ti="A new series..."
> (replace the ... with the full text you wanted to search), then the confusing
> message should no longer appear.

That's correct in general, but the query as given works fine in this case.
BibDesk prepends TS= by default to do a topic search, which can sometimes
give odd results.

> Please find instructions on query syntax
> through BibDesk's help page "Help -> BibDesk Help -> Searching External
> Databases -> Syntax for ISI Searching" link "field tag".

...or click the "?" button next to the ISI search field.

> However, note that in my experience the reproducibility of ISI WOS searches
> may vary, depending which local data base copy you are using and how well the
> soap service works.

This is very peculiar.  The searches all go to
http://wok-ws.isiknowledge.com/esti/soap/SearchRetrieve unless you've edited
a hidden preference, so it's not clear how a local database would affect
your results.  I'm not saying you're wrong, but I don't understand why this
would happen.

> AFAIK the only problem remaining for BibDesk is that BibDesk internally can't
> distinguish an erreneous query syntax or time-out from having no permission
> and therefore generates this confusing message. I don't know what exactly
> happens within BibDesk, but guess that ISI returns some error having been
> encountered, without telling what the exact cause is (or BibDesk ignores the
> cases).

If BibDesk gets any error message from the SOAP server, it's logged to the
console.  So far, I haven't seen any; it just fails to return any results,
so I had to make a guess at the cause.
> My suggestion to developers is to improve at least on the error message (or to
> distinguish the cases by using different error messages):
> Unable to retrieve results. The query service may be down, your query syntax
> may be invalid, or you may not have permission to use this database.

The first thing BibDesk does is try to connect to the query server; if it's
down, you get an explicit message to that effect.  Adding a line about
invalid query syntax is a good suggestion, though, and I just checked that

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