On Dec 12, 2009, at 0:47, Adam M. Goldstein wrote:

> Greetings all
> The BibDesk development team is pleased to announce that BibDesk 1.4 has now 
> been released. You can download the new version from within BibDesk itself 
> using BibDesk > Check for updates; and if you start an older version of 
> BibDesk, a dialog box will appear, offering the option to upgrade. 
> You can also upgrade by pointing your browser to the following address:
> http://downloads.sourceforge.net/bibdesk/BibDesk-1.4.dmg
> This will cause the download to begin immediately.
> Or, you can visit the BibDesk home page at
> http://bibdesk.sourceforge.net/
> to upgrade manually, or to learn more about BibDesk.
> (Note that the version number has bumped up from the 1.3.x sequence to the 
> 1.4.x sequence, in keeping with the BibDesk policy of increasing from x.x to 
> x.x+1 when a new Mac OS version is released---in this case, Snow Leopard.)

Actually, the reason is not the release of Snow Leopard, but the fact that 
BibDesk 1.4 has dropped support for an OS version, namely Tiger 10.4.x. Though 
of course those events are not completely unrelated.

Tiger users can of course still use BibDesk 1.3.22 and won't get notified 
through Sparkle.

I just noticed an annoying bug in the 1.4 release. Namely, when you update 
using the built-in updater (Sparkle), BibDesk 1.4 will always reopen the last 
open files at launch, ignoring your setting in the General preferences.

Fortunately this is easy to fix. Quit BibDesk, open Terminal.app, write the 
following line and hit Enter:

defaults delete -app BibDesk BDSKIsRelaunch

Or download the latest nightly build at 


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