On Feb 13, 2010, at 18:57, Adam R. Maxwell wrote:

> On Feb 13, 2010, at 9:16 AM, Andrew Berry wrote:
>> My university library offers a proxy service to connect to various sites. It 
>> works by modifying a URL so that:
>> http://scholar.google.ca/?q=...
>> becomes
>> http://scholar.google.ca.subzero.lib.uoguelph.ca/?q=...
>> I can successfully browse using the built-in browser in BibDesk, but 
>> references don't seem to be detected automatically. Is there some way I can 
>> modify the scraper to pick up these proxied URLs via a preference? Or, am I 
>> stuck recompiling from source?
> As long as it starts with "scholar.google." the URL should be detected as 
> Google Scholar, I think.  Have you enabled BibTeX links in Google Scholar's 
> preferences?

Moreover, when you've done, you can always just follow those links and BibDesk 
will parse the individual items.


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