BibDesk just displays the PDF it gets from bibtex, it does not insert any links 
or whatever. So this is indeed not a BibDesk issue but an issue of the url 
package (if that's what you use to generate these links.)


On Sep 21, 2010, at 16:39, Themis Matsoukas wrote:

> This is not a bibdesk problem (I think) but it happens in citations: if a url 
> is hyphenated, then clinking on it does not work because it is interpreted to 
> end at the hyphenated point. I am attaching a bibdesk record and a screenshot 
> that shows that the url (on the TeX preview) is highlighted only up to the 
> hyphen. The same happens when the url appears in a regular latex document. It 
> seems to be a conflict int he url package, but I though tI'd run it by this 
> list first.
> Themis
> <Screen shot 2010-09-21 at 10.34.07 AM.png>
> @article{Braumann:JCP10,
>       Author = {Andreas Braumann and Markus Kraft and Wolfgang Wagner},
>       Date-Added = {2010-08-26 10:34:52 -0400},
>       Date-Modified = {2010-09-19 13:07:34 -0400},
>       Doi = {DOI: 10.1016/},
>       Issn = {0021-9991},
>       Journal = {Journal of Computational Physics},
>       Keywords = {MC; granulation},
>       Number = {20},
>       Pages = {7672 - 7691},
>       Title = {Numerical study of a stochastic particle algorithm solving a 
> multidimensional population balance model for high shear granulation},
>       Url = 
> {},
>       Volume = {229},
>       Year = {2010},
>       Bdsk-File-1 = 
>       Bdsk-Url-1 = 
> {},
>       Bdsk-Url-2 = {}}

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