Le 26 juin 2011 à 23:08, Christiaan Hofman a écrit :

> On Jun 26, 2011, at 22:28, Cyril Georgy wrote:
>> Le 26 juin 2011 à 22:17, Christiaan Hofman a écrit :
>>> On Jun 26, 2011, at 21:54, Cyril Georgy wrote:
>>>> Hello !
>>>> I have problem when I want to import paper from journals containing the 
>>>> symbol "&" (e.g. astronomy & astrophyiscs). I try to import them from the 
>>>> ADS web page, listing the paper in bibtex format.
>>>> All the paper appears and can be directly imported except those containing 
>>>> this symbol, which do not appear.
>>>> I recently re-install my whole system. I know that I did an operation in 
>>>> my old installation fixing this problem, but don't remember what, and I'm 
>>>> unluckily unable to re-find the information on the web.
>>>> Has somebody an idea about that ?
>>>> Thanks a lot,
>>>> Cyril Georgy
>>> Even though a bare & is not allowed in tex and hence in bibtex, this is 
>>> normally imported as just text (though using it in tex will fail). So how 
>>> do you exactly import the item, and what do you mean with "do not appear"? 
>>> Are you talking about a search group, a web group, or importing through 
>>> drag/drop or copy/paste? Can you give a link to a sample of such bibtex 
>>> from where you import?
>> A web group. For example from the page (sorry for the lenght):
>> http://cdsads.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/nph-abs_connect?db_key=AST&db_key=PRE&qform=AST&arxiv_sel=astro-ph&arxiv_sel=cond-mat&arxiv_sel=cs&arxiv_sel=gr-qc&arxiv_sel=hep-ex&arxiv_sel=hep-lat&arxiv_sel=hep-ph&arxiv_sel=hep-th&arxiv_sel=math&arxiv_sel=math-ph&arxiv_sel=nlin&arxiv_sel=nucl-ex&arxiv_sel=nucl-th&arxiv_sel=physics&arxiv_sel=quant-ph&arxiv_sel=q-bio&sim_query=YES&ned_query=YES&adsobj_query=YES&aut_logic=OR&obj_logic=OR&author=Maeder%0D%0AMeynet&object=&start_mon=&start_year=2008&end_mon=&end_year=2010&ttl_logic=OR&title=&txt_logic=OR&text=&nr_to_return=200&start_nr=1&jou_pick=ALL&ref_stems=&data_and=ALL&group_and=ALL&start_entry_day=&start_entry_mon=&start_entry_year=&end_entry_day=&end_entry_mon=&end_entry_year=&min_score=&sort=SCORE&data_type=BIBTEX&aut_syn=YES&ttl_syn=YES&txt_syn=YES&aut_wt=1.0&obj_wt=1.0&ttl_wt=0.3&txt_wt=3.0&aut_wgt=YES&obj_wgt=YES&ttl_wgt=YES&txt_wgt=YES&ttl_sco=YES&txt_sco=YES&version=1
>> In the bottom window, you will see that all the paper appear and can be 
>> imported, except the paper from the journal "Astronomy and Astrophysics". I 
>> can import them by copying the bibtex item and pasting it directly in my 
>> library. But I'm sure that somebody found a way to fix this problem.
>> Thanks for the prompt answer,
>> Cyril Georgy
> I don't see any item with that journal in this list. I do see some with 
> journal \aap, maybe you meant these. The problem with these items is that 
> they have "&" in the cite key, which is really invalid in bibtex (& is a 
> special character in tex).  This is why those items aren't recognized as 
> bibtex.

Yes, it's aap.

> However, these characters can be parsed by our parser, so we could allow 
> these. Please test this out with tomorrow's nightly build.

Ok, I will test that tomorrow !

> BTW, there are more bibtex bugs in these items. Many use comma and "\&" to 
> separate author names, which is really wrong in bibtex, they should always be 
> separated with "and".

Of course, but I'm not responsible for these formats...

Thanks for your help !


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