On 02.09.2011, at 13:43, Simon Spiegel wrote:

> On 02.09.2011, at 10:49, Christian Pleul wrote:
>> On 02.09.2011, at 10:13, Simon Spiegel wrote:
>>> On 02.09.2011, at 10:05, Christian Pleul wrote:
>>>> On 01.09.2011, at 23:07, Christiaan Hofman wrote:
>> [snip]
>>>> Before starting to experimenting...
>>>> 1) In BD > Prefs > Fields > Advanced: I am able to modify Types and 
>>>> Fields. Is this written to TypeInfo.plist?
>>> Yes. 
>>>> 2) Will TypeInfo.plist be replaced during an update?
>>> No. TypeInfo.plist belongs to your personal prefs and shouldn't normally be 
>>> touched during an update.
>>>> 3) What happens when I change the TypeInfo.plist and afterwards open an 
>>>> already existing bib file. Does field names convert in some way? Or which 
>>>> steps would you suggest to move from bibtex to biblatex when using BD?
>>> The data in TypeInfo.plist has nothing to do with the data in your .bib 
>>> file. TypeInfo.plist just tells BibDesk which types and fields it should 
>>> display by default, it doesn't touch the data in your .bib file and if your 
>>> .bib file contains fields which are not in TypeInfo.plist they will still 
>>> be displayed. After all, you can always add any kind of field you want to 
>>> any entry in BibDesk.
>> So, what would be an appropriate way to move from bibtex to biblatex. This 
>> is my suggestion, which should be improved and maybe added to the wiki, when 
>> appropriate:
>> 0) Quite BD, Backup your data
>> 2) Download and use the file TypeInfo.plist [2]
>> 3) Customize TypeInfo.plist (e.g. to much optional fields are displayed in 
>> the publication editor window) by comment out (e.g. <!-- 
>> <string>Urlday</string> -->)
> There's no need to edit TypeInfo.plist. You can do everything you want in 
> BibDesk's prefs. In my experience, it's best to start with a small set of 
> documents and types you know you're going to need frequently and then slowly 
> start adding those you use in your daily work.

I updated the entire TypoInfo according to the up to date biblatex manual. 
Furthermore, I reduced the number of fields by commenting out the strings. It 
was the best way for me to get started.

>> 1) Manually modify your bib file (search and replace) for the following (cp. 
>> [1]):
>> year > date
>> address > location
>> journal > journaltitle
> This is not mandatory. Biblatex treats all of the traditional fields as 
> aliases for its new ones (at least in the case of those four fields). 
> Especially in the case of the year field, I would stick to year since you 
> probably need this field for automatic citekey generation (at least I do). 
> BTW, that's another area where biblatex support could be improved.

You are right, it is not mandatory. Nevertheless, I changed to location and 
journaltitle. Especially "location" gives you more convenience when used with 
more than one place. I also did not touch the year, since I also use it for 
automatic generation of the citekey.

> Simon


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