Dear Adam,

Many thanks for this most valuable information. Indeed, in the meantime I got a 
confirmation from company Thomson Reuters that they have switched from version 
1.0 to 2.0 of their web services, including the SOAP access as of 31st August 

Unfortunately I need very urgently ISI WOS in BibDesk back.

Any idea what could be done?

Notably I have for sure following questions for the time being:

1) Where are search details as contained in a .bdsksearch file actually stored 
in BibDesk once such a search has been installed?
 I have consulted the help pages, and examples of .bdsksearch files are also 
not that difficult to construct from scratch. But this all did not answer me 
this question. Have I overlooked something or is it really missing.

2) What URL is "Searches -> Web of Science SCI" using?
In the current case I opened with Thomson Reuters, they are asking me this 
question, but I do not know what to answer.

3) Can I edit or at least see Web of Science SCI search specs at the XML level?
Is there a way to edit a search once its .bdsksearch file has been installed? I 
looked for plist files, but neither inside the application BibDesk nor in 
~/Library/Application Support could I find the wanted information.

4) Can I look at a SOAP protocol during an attempt to access the ISI WOS 
In the current case I opened with Thomson Reuters, they are asking me for the 
exact error message that was returned, but I can not answer that question 
unless I could look at the protocol of a query using SOAP access.

Maybe you Adam or someone else can help me a bit by at least answering some or 
all of these questions.



On 07/09/2012, at 18:33 , Maxwell, Adam R wrote:

On Sep 7, 2012, at 08:40, Fischlin Andreas wrote:
In the last few days I have never again been able to successfully search ISI 
WOS. I have checked everything on our side and included personnel from our main 
library at ETH Zurich. Unfortunately all to no avail.

Question 1: Has anyone encountered similar difficulties?

Yes, it appears to be broken.  You can download the WSDL, so the server is 
still alive.

There's apparently a newer version of their WS interface, but I don't have time 
to investigate it right now:

It uses separate authentication and searching, from what I can tell at a quick 
glance, even for IP-based auth.  Maybe they've changed auth for the old 
service, too.

Question 2: How about importing from Scopus?

I used Scopus several years ago, and adapted BibDesk's RIS parser to deal with 
their bastardized RIS.  That should still work, but I no longer have access to 

If you're asking about a search group for it in BibDesk, that would require a 
suitable API from Scopus, and someone with access to write the code and test 
it.  A web group might be more appropriate, but the same access caveat applies.


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