On Jan 6, 2015, at 23:14, Gmail wrote:

> Hello, would anyone know the best procedure for going about automatically 
> transferring skim notes to the annote section of a reference?
> I found some entries from the past about putting it into bibdesk but haven’t 
> found a solution. To my knowledge, it isn’t in the program already but I 
> thought an applescript might work but I am unsure how to go about doing that.
> I am hoping to get all my skim notes into the annote section and then edit 
> them down to what I feel is necessary without having to go between the 
> programs constantly and re-typing what I highlighted, etc.
> Thank-you very much.

To get the skim notes you use something like 

set theNotes to text Skim notes of linked file 1

You set the Annote field using 

set value of field "Annote" to theNotes

You can either write a script that you write manually (e.g. on the selected 

Or you can have this done automatically on some events (for instance when you 
attach a file) using script hooks. See the Wiki for some help and samples for 


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