Thank you for your reply Christiaan,
yeah, I imagined it's probably not going to work without Tex. Oh well.

Now two last questions on this:

Is there any way to have BibDesk retain typographic quotation marks in the
fields as they are?
Or, alternatively, is there a way to modify the script Jan Jakob's script
that he posted here a while ago (see below) so that it retains formatting?
It transforms the quotation marks but unfortunately loses italic formatting
for Titles ...

And: except for using Tex is there any other way to have BibDesk format
parts of a title as italic or non italic?

Any help greatly appreciated,


set theTemplate to "Template"

tell document 1 of application "BibDesk"

    set thePublications to the selection
    set theCitation to (templated text using theTemplate for

    set theCitation to my replaceString(theCitation, "`", "'")
    set theCitation to my replaceString(theCitation, "'", "'")
    set theCitation to my replaceString(theCitation, "``", """)
    set theCitation to my replaceString(theCitation, "''", """)
    set theCitation to my replaceString(theCitation, "\"", """)
    set the clipboard to theCitation

end tell


on replaceString(theText, oldString, newString)
    local ASTID, theText, oldString, newString, lst
    set ASTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
        considering case
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldString
            set lst to every text item of theText
            set AppleScript's text item delimiters to newString
            set theText to lst as string
        end considering
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
        return theText
    on error eMsg number eNum
        set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ASTID
        error "Can't replaceString: " & eMsg number eNum
    end try
end replaceString

On Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 3:53 PM, Christiaan Hofman <>

> On Jan 25, 2015, at 0:08, Jan David Hauck wrote:
> Hi again,
> my apologies for all the emails to the list, while figuring out my own
> project. I hope it'll be useful for someone else too.  And many thanks to
> Christiaan and Jan Jakob for all the hints (now and in the past)!   I hope
> this will be the last inquiry for a while.
> So at the risk of exhausting everyone's patience, just to follow up on the
> previous discussion four last additional questions:
> (1)  First of all, is there a way to use Christiaan's Capitalize script
> (which does essentially what I want) not for actually changing the data but
> to copy a modified template to the clipboard?    Jan Jakob posted a script
> here a while ago that does that for typographic quotation marks, and it
> should be possible to do that in a similar way for capitalization, but I'm
> a little lost how to start.
> (2)
> Concerning typographic quotation marks:
> I realized that whenever I enter a typographic quotation mark into a field
> BibDesk automatically translates it into ` or ' and `` or ''.  Is there a
> way (via template or script or whatever) to have BibDesk translate them
> into typographic ones for display in the Preview window?
> (I had asked a similar question before, but I was wondering, since
> characters with diacritics are also stored in the file in actual Tex
> Format, but displayed by BibDesk in the field [and hence in the template]
> normally, maybe there is a specific format in which to store quotation
> marks so that they behave the same?)
> (3)
> This is not directly BibDesk related, but maybe one of the experts here
> has an idea nonetheless:
> Most of what I write has to be in either Chicago or AAA style, and
> although they are fairly similar there is one crucial difference in that
> Chicago encloses Article and Chapter titles in quotation marks while AAA
> does not.
> And in Chicago quotation marks that are embedded within quotation marks
> are converted to 'single' quotation marks.
> So now I have a problem if the Title of a given article already has a word
> or phrase in quotation marks, how to convert those quotation marks to
> single quotation marks without changing the entry since for my other style
> I need them as they were.
> Author. 1995. "Here is a 'term' in quotation marks." ...  <=  Chicago style
> Author. 1995. Here is a "term" in quotation marks. ...  <=  AAA style
> I'm probably looking for something that behaves like the \emph{}  in Tex
> but for quotation marks ...
> Any ideas?
> (4)
> Speaking of \emph{}.  Is there a way to have a BibDesk template actually
> use Tex markers that are in the fields?  I.e., put \emph{} enclosed terms
> in italics and the like.
> (I know I could very easily do this by simply displaying the template
> using Tex, but I am creating a database for my fiancee who doesn't have Tex
> but wants to use BibDesk nonetheless. Hence all these question that would
> be easier to achieve by using Tex directly.)
> Any help is greatly appreciated!
> Thanks in advance!
> Jan D.
> There is some very basic interpretation of some tex commands. But it is
> very limited, and don't count on too much. We cannot provide a full tex
> interpreter, which is a very complex program. IIRC you cannot convert
> (double) quotations (only from special to TeX compatible. This is not even
> well defined, as there are many different double and single quotation
> marks. It certainly cannot be done in a way as complex as (3). Also, (1)
> will never work because there is no way to know what part of some random
> text is a title and what is not (note that any post processing comes after
> the text has been generated). So I am afraid the answer to all your
> questions is no.
> Christiaan
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