There is a definite trend in my contributions to this mailing list: AppleScript!

The following script would copy all publications formatted with the Default 
HTML Template to the clipboard, sorted by cite key.

tell document 1 of application "BibDesk"
set thePubs to sort (get publications) by "Cite key"
set theHTML to templated text using "Default HTML template" for thePubs
set the clipboard to theHTML
end tell

I suppose it could be adjusted as needed.

From:  Thierry
Reply-To:  For general discussion about using BibDesk
Date:  Friday 13 March 2015 12:12
To:  <>
Subject:  Re: [Bibdesk-users] Sorting publications when exporting

Thanks Adam, it works perfectly.

If there is a way to do that in a template, I would appreciate. But for now, 
this solution saves my day.


On Mar 12, 2015, at 15:14, Thierry Masson <rhomunulist@...>

> Hello,
> I would like to understand how BibDesk sorts the publications when it exports 
> the database.
> Is there a way to force BibDesk to sort using a specific field?
> I would like to sort according to the cite key when exporting in HTML.

Not sure about HTML specifically, but if you check "Only export selected items" 
box in the export dialog, it should export selected items in their current 
selected order.

-- adam

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