On Mar 16, 2015, at 21:33, Zvi Biener wrote:

> Dear BiBDeskers,
> Perhaps someone could help me.
> 1. I had to restore my entire directory of auto-filed documents from 
> backup. (What I say below below applies both to restoring from 
> TimeMachine and from Box.com backups).
> 2. After I did this, I lost all the links between items in the .bib 
> library and the linked files. The library now shows red-colored clip 
> icons, and the message "x-fileview://localhost/missing" where the 
> document preview used to be.
> 3. The files are exactly in the same path they used to be, although all 
> the folders in this path are technically "new" - they have been 
> recreated by the backup.
> Is there any way to restore the file links? [I'm talking hundreds of 
> files, so not something I want to do manually].
> Many Thanks,
> Zvi

Did you also restore the .bib data from the time that the links were working? 
When you save the .bib data the links are changed according to what it knows at 
that time, so that can also get corrupted. Also it is important that the 
relative paths from the .bib file to the linked files is the same. Preferably 
also the absolute path should be the same. If you do all that, the links should 
work. If they don't, you must have modified the .bib file.


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