On Apr 13, 2015, at 23:21, Antonio Fortin wrote:

>> On 13 Apr 2015, at 15:25, Christiaan Hofman <cmhof...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Apr 13, 2015, at 14:35, Antonio Fortin wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Until today, I’ve been able drag BibTeX references directly from Google 
>>> Scholar to the Editor window, which is then populated with the citation 
>>> info. This is the quickest way I’ve found, to fill publications with 
>>> insufficient or no metadata. However, it doesn’t work any more. Any idea 
>>> what might have changed, or if this feature has been deprecated?
>>> Thanks.
>>> Best,
>>> Antonio
>> We haven't changed anything. Make sure you drag on some empty area, and not 
>> on a text field or something.
>> If anything changed, I guess it must be the data. Make sure it's valid. For 
>> instance, try to just drop it on the main table to see if it parses 
>> correctly.
> The citations are imported if I drop them into the main library in the 
> sidebar but not if I drop them onto the Editor. I’ve uploaded a video showing 
> that I can also drop the text into a third-party editor: 
> http://youtu.be/G8ADBqhvExk
> I updated to OS X 10.10.3 yesterday - might that have something to do with it?
> Best,
> Antonio

I guess it must be a bug in 10.10.3 then, as that's the only thing that changed.


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