Hello.  I'm using BibDesk (v1.6.4 - a very recent update to a long-existing
installation) along with TexShop (v3.52) on a Mac Powerbook Pro under OS
X10.8.5.  I have been working on a document for several weeks and using the
same bib file for several years.  This morning, I entered a new reference
into the database.  This is the first use I've made of BibDesk since the
update to 1.6.4.  I added a citation to the new reference in the document
and compiled it.  For some reason BibTeX cannot find the new reference.  I
get the message:

This is BibTeX, Version 0.99d (TeX Live 2014)
The top-level auxiliary file: RevisedVerifcationNoteV3a.aux
The style file: model2-names.bst
Database file #1: ./GLReferences.bib
Warning--I didn't find a database entry for "AuguEtAl:2014"
(There was 1 warning)

I tried re-entering the new reference into the database, and get the same
warning (and changing the cite key).  I next tried substituting an existing
reference from the database into the document (citing it instead - and
being sure that reference was not cited anywhere else in the document) and
it worked fine; the citation appears properly in the document.  I then
tried entering a dummy reference into the database and citing it in the
document.   This failed with the same warning.

In summary, it appears that:  If I refer to a reference that was in the
database before I updated BibDesk, I have no problem.  If I refer to a
reference that I added after the update, BibTex can't find it.

I have no idea what is going on and would appreciate any suggestions or

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