> On Oct 4, 2015, at 7:59, David Becher <becher.da...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I just hit cmd-Y and, as supposed, the Quicklook view opened up. However, it 
> appearance is different from the regular Quicklook appearance which presents 
> itself when I use Quicklook in Finder.app.
> A screenshot may be found here:
> http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img905/628/W9KYNn.png
> I am sure that it has not always looked that way and in addition to that it 
> does not seem to render smoothly in every case.
> So my question: is this a side effect from another application or has this 
> been introduced by BibDesk itself? Can I opt out for the "regular" Quicklook?
> All the best,
> David

You must have an older system, like 10.6? On older system BibDesk uses a custom 
quickly panel for many document types, because the standard one does not allow 
a lot of interaction (such as text selection) and does not support certain 
types (such as remote URLs). That has always been the case, at least for PDFs, 
so you must remember wrongly. Maybe you remember for some other document type. 
On newer systems we use the system QuickLook panel, because it does support all 
these things.


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