> On Nov 13, 2015, at 12:06 , macula <ir...@me.com> wrote:
> I am not entirely convinced that storing the volatile Bdsk-File links outside 
> the bib database would be such a messy solution (it could be a hash-based 
> solution in preference files, for example), but it's easy for one to request 
> features and daydream about "solutions" when one doesn't have to actually 
> implement them. So I'll cease fire for now.

One problem: suppose you have multiple files with the same reference in them 
(as I do; one file per research area, more-or-less). What is your primary key 
to that database? What happens if you use a text editor to copy an entry 
between files? What are the semantics of drag-and-drop of entries between 
files? What happens when you have multiple files open for editing? I could go 
on :).

> FWIW, I couldn't resist bringing this issue up when I noticed that my git 
> repo crossed the 120MB mark! This is for a 1850-item plaintext .bib database 
> that has been undergoing modest, incremental revisions in only 170 commits. 
> At this rate by the end of my career I'd be banned from github, I suppose.

Thanks! It's helpful to have some numbers; I was unclear about the size problem 
you mentioned.


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