Hi, all,

I'm seeing strange behavior with BibDesk 1.6.5 on 10.6.8.  Christiaan has 
looked at it and tried to clarify the issue, but so far, no explanation (see 
bugs #1485 and #1486 for the discussion).

If anyone has a 10.6.8 (or any 10.6) system lying around, and has a little time 
to spare, can you try this out?  Note that I do not see the problem with 
BibDesk 1.6.4.

There are two (presumably related) symptoms:
1. If I select a pub, I do not see the PDF'd citation in either the preview 
pane (below the pub list) *or* the separate preview window.  The tab displaying 
the log file does update correctly.

2. Once I do see the citations (in either window), changing the selection in 
the pub window (either modifying the selection or making a new selection) does 
not change displayed citation(s).

I can get the display in either window to update only (as far as I can tell) by 
changing the window's zoom factor (the % popup in the lower right).  The two 
windows are independent, and changing one zoom factor only affects that window.

Thanks in advance!


PS: Christiaan has put up a test version to see what might be going wrong, but 
it has provided no insights for him when run on my system.  The URL in the 
#1485 bug points to the .dmg (beware: that URL has a trailing "." which leads 
to an error page; removing that "." leads to the download).

Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
Institute for the Absorption of Federal Funds
If it weren't for carbon-14, I wouldn't date at all.

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