That looks like it just drops the second file. Also problematic when anything 
else, like a title, has a semicolon in it.


> On 28 Dec 2020, at 22:09, Ronald Haynes <> wrote:
> Hi folks, I was able to conjure up a little vi magic to handle this:
> :%s/;.*/}/
> Sincerely,
> Dr. Ronald D. Haynes
> Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
> Chair, MSc and PhD Scientific Computing Programs
> Memorial University of Newfoundland
> We acknowledge that the lands on which Memorial University’s campuses are 
> situated are in the traditional territories of diverse Indigenous groups, and 
> we acknowledge with respect the diverse histories and cultures of the 
> Beothuk, Mi’kmaq, Innu, and Inuit of this province.
> On Dec 28, 2020, 2:40 PM -0330, Christiaan Hofman <>, wrote:
>>> On 28 Dec 2020, at 17:15, Ronald Haynes < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi folks, so I have made some progress with links to attachments using a 
>>> .bib file generated by zotero/better-bibtex.  All entries work except for 
>>> entries with multiple attachments.  Several of my .bib entries have file 
>>> fields that look like:
>>> /Users/rhaynes/Zotero/storage/QYXFGM6P/Peña_1995_M-matrices whose inverses 
>>> are totally 
>>> positive.pdf;/Users/rhaynes/Zotero/storage/ZQNHFBL9/002437959300244T.html
>>> Bibdesk is not able to decipher the link to the pdf file.      Any 
>>> suggestions? 
>>> Sincerely,
>>> Dr. Ronald D. Haynes
>>> Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
>>> Chair, MSc and PhD Scientific Computing Programs
>>> Memorial University of Newfoundland
>> BibDesk cannot by itself understand multiple files in the same field. It is 
>> also ambiguous, as the semicolon is also a valid path character.
>> You could try to use AppleScript to convert these fields into linked files. 
>> I don’t know if you are versed in AppleScript?
>> The following script should do what you want (disclaimer: not fully tested, 
>> as I don’t have these fields).
>> tell application "BibDesk"
>>      tell front document
>>              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {";"}
>>              repeat with aPub in publications
>>                      tell (contents of aPub)
>>                              set theValue to value of field "File"
>>                              if theValue contains ";" then
>>                                      set theFileNames to text items of 
>> theValue
>>                                      repeat with theFileName in theFileNames
>>                                              set theFileName to contents of 
>> theFileName
>>                                              if theFileName ≠ "" then
>>                                                      set theFile to resolve 
>> theFileName
>>                                                      try
>>                                                              theFile as alias
>>                                                              if (get linked 
>> files) does not contain theFile then
>>                                                                      add 
>> theFile
>>                                                              end if
>>                                                      end try
>>                                              end if
>>                                      end repeat
>>                              end if
>>                      end tell
>>              end repeat
>>              set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {""}
>>      end tell
>> end tell
>> Christiaan
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