Martin: The way I would achieve your goal (although I may be describing the 
obvious) is:

Sort the main publication table by date-added.
Select recently added publications that I want to review.
Drag the selected publications to an empty static group.
Sort the publication table in the static group by any desired field and review 
the publications.

If it is important to me to restrict the groups table to show only data about a 
selection of publications (and not about all publications in my main database), 
then I open a separate BibDesk database with the desired groups already 
configured but empty of publications, and I drag the selected publications to 
the separate database temporarily where I can visually analyze the groups 
table. (But I do not drag publications back and forth between databases, 
because this changes the date-added field, which I want to keep intact; I treat 
the separate database as a temporary "read-only" view that is destroyed after 


> On Sep 11, 2023, at 10:15 AM, Christiaan Hofman <> wrote:
>> On 11 Sep 2023, at 16:08, Martin Gillis < 
>> <>> wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> Wondering if there is a way to have the "Last Import" group maintain a list 
>> of imports for the current open session for BibDesk. The general idea is 
>> that I would like to imports article and the review them as a list. Is this 
>> possible?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> -Martin
> No, this only contains items for the database where it belongs to. We do not 
> maintain a database containing all items for all open documents.
> Christiaan

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