Thank God it's friday...!!!!
  Guys, ada humor nih buat para entrepreneur :)
  what a wonderfull world,what an exciting life !!
  Made Teddy Artiana
  As Entrepreneurs we tend to want to teach our children the lessons that we 
have learned. 
Sometimes this is confusing to them. One entrepreneur sat his four year old son 
down and said 
"It's time for your lesson." What's two plus two? 
The little boy said "Two plus two is Six." 
"No, son," his father said, two plus two is not six. "Two plus two is four." 
"I'm sorry, father," said the little boy. "I thought we were negotiating."
  One entrepreneur is explaining to another how he got into business. 
  "I was afraid to go out on my own, but my former boss gave me a jump start 
by telling me the most encouraging two words in my life. One day he came into 
my office and said "You're fired."
  Best Practices
  A panhandler slinks up and asks "Buddy, I haven't eaten all day, can you give 
me $50." 
  The man says, "I think you would be a lot more successful if you asked for 
  The bum answers, "Look, give me a dollar or give me $50, but don't tell me 
how to run my business."
  What did the Zen master say to the pizza delivery man? 
  "Make me one with everything."
  © Copyright Mark W. Lund 2005

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