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Seminar: The Secrets of Superior Service
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Salam epos,

Lies Sudianti
Founder & Moderator

Seminar     : The Secrets of Superior Service
Pembicara : Ron Kaufman

Ron Kaufman is the world's leading educator and motivator for uplifting
customer service, partnerships and superior service culture. He is the
author of the bestselling book series UP Your
Service!<>and the
founder of UP
Your Service! College <>.

Tanggal     : 12 August 2008
Lokasi       : Intercontinental Mid Plaza
Investasi    : Terlampir

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Applying these secrets is a key to your success
This energizing and entertaining presentation highlights key principles
everyone, every company and organization must apply to deliver superior
service. Packed with true stories, powerful examples and colorful
illustrations, The Secret of Superior Service will inspire you, educate your
colleagues and motivate your service team.
Speaker: *Ron Kaufman*
*Hotel Intercontinental Mid Plaza, Jakarta*

*Applying these secrets is a key to your success*

*The secrets of Superior Service shows how, and explains why, you must :*

   - Fly Over Your Customer's Rising Expectations
   - Provide Excellent Product, Excellent Delivery and Excellent Service
   - Climb the Stairs to Unbelievable! Levels of Sales, Service &
   - Strategy and Tactics to "Manage" Customer Expectations
   - How to Bounce Back! Through Effective Service Recovery
   - Appreciate Your Complaining Customers
   - Shift from Blame and Shame to Taking Personal Responsibility, and
   - See the World from Your Customers' Point of View

Everyone agrees that providing better service is essential to continued
success in today's competitive world. But too often, people regard quality
service as 'the fuzzy stuff' and don't know where or how to begin making
service progress. This interactive presentation clears the fog in an
entertaining way, showing concrete steps for immediate service improvement.
*Outline of Key Points :*

   1. *Customers' Expectations are Rising*
      - across industries, companies, functions and locations
      - to satisfy customers, you must 'Fly Over' rising expectations

   2. *Excellent Product, Excellent Delivery, Excellent Service Mindset*
      - the first two can be easily purchased or copied
      - the third requires a culture, it must be built from within

   3. *Climbing the Stairs of Increasing Customer Value*
      - delivering service from 'Basic' to 'Unbelievable'
      - the good news: you can always do more
      - the bad news: once you do it, they expect it
      - the reality: keep on climbing!

   4. *Managing Customers' Expectations*
      - you can influence expectations, to mutual satisfaction and advantage
      - 'underpromise, then overdeliver'
      - use 'clear, kept promises'

   5. *Bouncing Back through Superior Service Recovery*
      - when things go wrong, people talk!
      - service recovery is not enough, it just 'recovers'
      - going the extra step to build loyalty and long-term relationships
      - recovery is not a cost, it is a wise and well-timed investment

   6. *Appreciate Your Complaining Customers*
      - Complaints can be useful feedback and helpful tools for improvement
      - Only a small percentage of customers bother to complain, appreciate
      - Fix the 'leaky bucket', invest time and energy to keep your
      customers loyal

   7. *Shift from Blame, Shame and Justify to Taking Personal Responsibility
      - the importance of playing 'above the line'
      - the link between 'personal responsibility' and 'a culture of service

   8. *See the World from Your Customers' Point of View*
      - a source of improvements and innovation

   9. *Conclusion*
      - Your plan for taking action, right now.

*Benefits For You and Your Service Team :*

   - *Understand eight key principles that will lead you to Superior
   Service.*Each principle is explained in entertaining detail. You will
   quickly understand and apply what you've learned.

   - *Take concrete action to improve your service, right now.*Every section
   of this program features specific actions you can take right away to improve
   and deliver better service.

   - *Achieve new levels of customer satisfaction… and delight!*People
   everywhere are looking for, and demanding, better service. Your customers
   will notice the difference.

   - *Gain additional business from loyal customers who buy more and more
   often.*Your profits will improve with repeat business from your best
   customers. Learn how to give them the service they want, and deserve. Serve
   them right, and they will keep coming back for more.

   - *Win new customers from constant referrals and positive word of mouth.*The
   most credible and powerful advertising on Earth is the testimonial of a
   delighted customer. When happy customers talk, people listen.

   - *Build a shared language for Superior Service.*To lay a foundation for
   continuous service progress, get everyone speaking the same service
   language! Share these ideas and concepts with everyone on your team: your
   staff, managers, colleagues, vendors, suppliers… and even your customer

   - *Educate your audience with 'the moral of the story'.*One of the best
   ways to educate is through examples that inspire and entertain. Use the
   stories in this presentation to illustrate your service points, to drive
   your message home.

   - *Become a better customer and you'll get better service, too.*When you
   give Superior Service, you will understand how to get it, too! Ask for, and
   enjoy, the Superior Service you deserve… today.

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