Ah, Eric...you refer to the "race of Truth"...and there is no place to 
hide...that's why I love group rides...converve energy, go faster and have 
camradarie....and let's be honest...wow, time trials really hurt!...
And of course the group organized rides are not just for corporate 
functions...most with a charitable component but are also cool country 
adventures...riding from milwaukee to Madison?  that was cool...and there's 
safety in numbers doing it on the road...the glacial drumlin trail is another 
way but not as interesting as a group.
One group ride coming up that is not corporate but of great interest is the 
Bike the Barns on the 27th of September supporting the local CSA organizing 
group MACSAC...to learn more about it go to macsac.org and hit the bike the 
barns section.
We have a very groovy area and state to ride in....have fun and enjoy it!
Troy T
p.s I wasn't really trying to "network" during the ride...just make new 
friends...most of the riders were Milwaukee folks so it was cool to talk with 
them about their work there...Eppstein Uhen and many of their contacts are 
leaders in the LEED certified and green commercial building areas....and have 
done some amazing projects.  Many of which we could emulate in our fair burg.

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