A careful read of the report clears a few things up, but apparently even the police spokesperson can't read them right.  There is probably no biker statement as she was noted as "incapacitated".  This is probably not a case of sudden overtaking right turn cutoff, as the truck had stopped to yield to a pedestrian crossing in front of him, and the driver claims to have had his turn signal on the whole time.

If he really did have his signal on, the biker shouldn't have passed on the right, thus the improper overtaking.  But we don't know if the truck was past the bike when he turned his signal on, in which case the biker might have assumed he was waiting for her also. Also don't know if his signal really was on, how far the truck had moved over, whether the bike stopped for the ped also, all those details that might make it less the bikers fault than the officer concluded. 

I think the Denmark practice sounds scary as hell.  When that happens to me I either go around on the left or stop and wave them ahead. 
Doug Adler


Re: [Bikies] bicyclist hit by Water ******* truck
"Michael Rewey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Mon, 25 Aug 2008 10:24:34 -0500
bikies danenet <bikies@danenet.org>
bikies danenet <bikies@danenet.org>

Interesting.  No statement from biker.  Just truck driver's version.  We all know that often a 
vehicle will pass a bike just before an intersection then turn right, cutting off the bike.  An 
added twist, when they realize that they have not completely passed the bike they may yield 
to the bike until it passes.  This is standard procedure in Denmark, but scary in the US.  You 
don't know if the car is going to yield or not.  Also as a driver I was trained that when making 
right turn I should move as far right as possible to make it impossible to have someone pass 
me me on the right

Mike Rewey

On 22 Aug 2008 at 10:43, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The news article says the police spokesman said that the cyclist turned in front of the truck, 
but the report says that the cyclist was going straight and the truck turned right, into the 
cyclist. The report also says the cyclist was doing "improper overtaking," but doesn't provide 
a reason for that conclusion.

The report also states that no citations were issued. Now, in the dooring case, didn't the 
ticketing officer say the reason he gave the cyclist a ticket was that he had to give *someone* 
a ticket?

So why no tickets here?


---- "Paul T. O'Leary" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
---- Robbie Webber <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
We don't know all the facts, so I'm not implying fault until more details
are available, but I cringe when it's a city vehicle.
Fortunately, the Police "accident" reports system is one of the first web databases the City has been able to get back online. The report for this crash is at:


While we're on the subject, the report for the North Henry St. dooring is at:


Y'know, it might just be a good idea to stay away from N. Henry St. for a while....
Paul T. O'Leary
Chronic Nuisance
Madison, WI USA


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