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FYI...The following message is from UW Facilities Planning and Management 
regarding repairs to the retaining wall along the new Campus Drive Bike Path.

Just a quick email to let you all know that some time next week  (possibly 
Wednesday), South Central Construction (SCC) will be working on the  stone/rip 
rap retaining wall behind the WVDL to remove enough material so the  bikers and 
pedestrians won't have to go through motorcycle stalls or jump a curb  to use 
the path through this area.  SCC will use a combination of jersey  barriers to 
open up a path wide enough to get through until the big project is  started 
probably sometime next summer.
 This work will also include relocating the piled stone and spoils  currently 
on the bike path and consolidating all the existing piles into one,  then 
capping with erosion polymers to prevent runoff into Willow Creek and weed  
 Because there will be heavy construction vehicles moving around  stone, 
placing barriers and consolidating piles of backfill, we will be  closing the 
path through this area and re-routing it around the WVDL until the  work is 
completed (see attached).  All work in the area should be completed in  3-5 
days (weather permitting).
 Thanks ahead of time for your patience.

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