Kirk Dungan to me
show details Sep 20 (1 day ago)

What's the difference between a bike messenger and a homeless alcoholic?
Bike messengers usually have nicer bikes. And here's one from Mark Pilder
"You might be a messenger if at least one member of your family believes you 
could be doing something more important with your life" We can use that one for 
the polygraph test at future Courier Championships. BTW Speaking of future 
Courier Championships I've come up with an idea. Appoint an "Honorary Grand 
Marshal" (that's my working title for my event) This person should be of 
importance to the local messenger community and also of importance to rest of 
the local community the sort of person who can open doors for the organizers, 
this person should also be kind of old. So any fiasco associated with the event 
will be less likely to "blow back" on them. "Those bike messengers took 
advantage of that poor old man" Say the church ladies. Meanwhile if your 
"Honorary Grand Marshal" is anything like my leading candidate he or she will 
be going. "That was great, I went to all these parties and bike races with some 
really cool young people and idiots are giving
me sympathy because _____ happened." We'll need some of the cargo bike people 
to provide taxi service but it should work.Just a thought.

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