I do remember seeing some discussion about this on Bikies, but I think
there is indeed another list. I also remember getting some people
calling Bike Fed, or me personally about this.

Monona cannot ticket bicyclists for not using the sidewalk/path. That
is clear. Obviously, Tom Huber doesn't want to hash this out in the
newspaper, and I can't blame him. But someone in authority needs to
call the mayor (and police department?) and make it clear that any
ticket issued will be dismissed in court. I'd do it, but my guess is
that the Monona city staff wouldn't take kindly to a Madison alder, or
any Madison resident, poking her nose into "their business."

I'm going to email a couple of people on the Monona Common Council
off-list. Maybe we can get this cleared up. Unlikely that the road
design will be changed, but at least we won't have people getting


On Wed, Oct 1, 2008 at 10:42 AM,  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This article in the CapTimes, http://www.madison.com/tct/news/stories/307178,
> took me by surprise.
> In the article, bicyclists identfy 3 specific problem with the new bike lanes 
> on Winnequah. The mayor's response: maybe we should ticket the bikers!
> Also, which email list is this article referring to?
> Is anyone on bikies on that  other list ?
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