NYT Editorial: Cut the Sprawl, Cut the Warming

Hmmmmm. Ya think?! Good thing the voice of God is on our side!

Mike Neumann just told the council as much about 4 hours ago in perfectly pitched testimony. They still don't get it though. We've got a bunch of go-along-to-get-along types up there without an atom of calcium in their spines. At least three of them are on this list, and they've got a heck of a lot of 'splainin to do.

There were all of three people who testified against Mayor David J. Cieslewicz's sprawl budget tonight. We did the best we could, but folks, there were *three* of us. Three. Nothing is going to change if even the people on this list can't turn out to defend the air, the water, the land, the economy and the social well being of this community.

Pretty pitiful showing, I'd say.

Anyway, thanks Mike for your great testimony.

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