At the Monday, October 13 Board of Estimates meeting - where alders
asked questions of city department heads about their submitted budget
request - the following tidbits came out. Please note, these are from
the Mayor's proposed budget. Things can change when the Council
actually deliberates and votes on the budget in November.

There will be a cut to the Traffic Engineering budget for painting and
pavement marking by 11%. The Mayor believes that the program can be
run tighter with no loss in actual pavement marking, but I have always
heard TE complain that crosswalks look like hell and we can't have
decent bike traffic markings because TE doesn't have enough money or
staff for paint and painting.

There will likely be no new traffic calming projects in 2009, as the
capital budget cuts the budget for the program from $220,000
(projected 2009 budget included in 2008 Capital Improvements Program)
to $50,000. There is also a staff position that will go unfilled that
helps design the traffic calming facilities.

The Pedestrian Improvements on Arterials - pedestrian stuff that
doesn't fit in traffic calming because the roads are bigger - was also
cut in the capital budget from $180,000 to $50,000.

(Note, after the meeting, Larry Nelson came up to me and told me that
Engineering has money to do projects, so it appears that TE and
Engineering can't decide whether new projects will be approved or
built in 2009.)

The line that Matt included in an earlier email:
"$30,000 to support bicycle programs. Funding is to be derived from a
restructuring of the current bicycle
registration and licensing program as determined by the Platinum
Bicycle Committee. An increase of $30,000
associated with Bicycle Registration fees has been included in the
City General Fund Revenues. The Platinum
Bicycle Committee shall, by January 1, 2009, make recommendations
regarding both the licensing and registration
restructuring and expenditures in support of bicycle programs and
infrastructure for approval by the Common

This is assuming that an additional $30,000 will be raised by the bike
registration program - current income is about $30,000 - and then the
Platinum Committee (and probably the PBMVC) will decide what to do
with that money. I'm not sure how the Mayor, or TE expects to double
revenues from registration. Raising registration fees would be
unlikely to bring in more money, because registration is essentially a
voluntary program. The only way to increase registration (as far as I
can see), is by strict enforcement, either at bike shops or
bicyclists. Both these actions likely would require quite a bit of
city resources in the form of police, City Attorney, or more staff in
the bike registration program. So it appears that it is a wash
financially. Why not simply put $30,000 from the general fund into
Platinum Report recommendations?

That's all that was interesting in the transportation/bike area from last night.

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