Nice. Having cycled in San Francisco quite a bit late last year, I can
confirm that it's a nasty, nasty place to ride a bike - mostly due to the
culture of frustrated motorists (and cyclists, it must be said) behaving
horribly, but also suffering some horrible design (I'm looking at you,
Market Street) - despite the fact that the city council there is pretty
much fully committed to increasing the cycling mode share. The asshat mayor
- not so much:

This tradition of guerrilla bike lane protection may have its roots in this
action in Seattle:

What's beautiful about that story is the outcome - Seattle city staff
worked to return the pylons to the guerrillas and eventually installed
permanent, compliant pylons of their own, working with the state of
Washington (which owns that segment of Cherry Street) to follow The
Process. You can see the result here:,-122.3279498,3a,75y,207.36h,63t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s9b8B5tCBOrUravDvoxPQrA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en

Cycling in Seattle has its own problems, but dickish behaviour by motorists
is strangely low on that list. Unless you count drunk and/or high ones.

On Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 5:23 PM, tim wong via Bikies <> wrote:

> group-in-san-francisco-keeps-making-renegade-bike-lanes/
> 500909/?utm_source=nl__link3_092116
> --
> Earlier this year I was fined $1221 by the city for having wildflowers in
> my terrace and a burning bush in my yard. My trial occurred more than
> three months after the city council unanimously approved the "Pollinator
> Protection Task Force" report which seeks to protect pollinators--bees,
> butterflies, moths, bats, hummingbirds, etc., and preserve pollinator
> habitat  But the city's Building Inspection Division didn't get the "memo"
> and continues to order pollinator habitat removed and prosecutes people who
> don't comply. If you feel the ordinances on the books should be amended,
> sign my petition:
> petitions/revise-ordinances-banning-flowers-in-yards-and-terrace
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