Don't recall and cannot locate that post, but here's a consolation prize:
"elephant feet."

In BC, riding a bicycle on a sidewalk is not legal (unless explicit signage
or local regulation allows it), nor is cycling in a crosswalk, even when
it's part of a cycling-allowed path... unless there are elephant feet.

Recently, ICBC - the provincial insurance agency - tweeted a PSA with an
image of a cyclist riding across just such a crosswalk with a message
"reminding" cyclists not to cycle in crosswalks. That highlighted the fact
that few people are aware of the meaning of the markings, evidently
including some traffic professionals. That attracted the expected outrage
from cycling advocates, and is when I learned what elephant feet meant.

On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 10:27 AM, Robert Schultz via Bikies <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I may be misremembering, but I believe somebody shared a link to a very
> clear and helpful diagram of crosswalk use, including showing when a
> pedestrian/cyclist is considered "in the crosswalk". I tried to seach old
> e-mails and on Google, but I'm not coming up with it, so I was hoping
> somebody might be able to link it here?
> Thanks!
> -R
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