I think it's a pretty informative piece. It takes analytical approach to
the challenges an autonomous vehicle may have navigating safely around
bicyclists and pedestrians.

The software engineer of the autonomous vehicle company interviewed even
mentions a few of the issues bike safety advocates have been saying for
decades. For example:

*"Cyclists, like pedestrians, are some of the most vulnerable road users,"
Fairfield says. "And so we do want to treat them with extra caution and

And another software engineer talked about how bicyclists are in this
middle grey area between cars and pedestrians.

The goal of the research is to make a world filled with self-driving cars
safer for bicyclists and pedestrians.

The writer/producer/reporter, Margaret J Krauss, is a cyclist too! She
biked 2000 miles in the Pittsburgh area while working for on a 48-hour
radio series on the history of the region.  She also is part of the
Keystone Crossroads initiative that reports on solutions to urban crises in
Pennsylvania, including bicycles as a solution to infrastructure issues.

I'm not sure if you've been in Pittsburgh recently, but bicycles and
bicycling infrastructure has been a big part of the revitalization of
Pittsburgh and part of that is because of the reporting from Margaret
Krauss and others with Keystone Crossroads.

Below is a link to a few of pieces Keystone Crossroads has covered on
bicycling, but their work is so much more than that and worth an in-depth


On Jul 24, 2017 11:51 PM, "Scott Morris Rose via Bikies" <
bikies@lists.danenet.org> wrote:

> Again, the responsibility for staying safe on a bicycle is shifted to the
> cyclist rather than the... ah... murderist.
> http://www.npr.org/sections/alltechconsidered/2017/07/24/537
> 746346/bikes-may-have-to-talk-to-self-driving-cars-for-safetys-sake
> --
> S. Rose
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