Please give your views on the installation of surveillance cameras along the 
East Side bike path between S. Blount and S. Brearly Streets.
These will be the first cameras installed specifically on a City bike path, so 
full vetting of the issues is important.

Input on the question has been so far somewhat limited. Some members of the MNA 
board have been soliciting support for the cameras. Given the strong feelings 
many have about safety and privacy, it is important that all points of view 
have an opportunity to be heard.

Regardless of whether one is for or against the use of surveillance cameras to 
address safety issues, the important thing is that the diverse views in the 
neighborhood are heard.  If you think a neighborhood meeting to discuss this 
question is warranted, please let District 6 alder, Marsha, know.

So please, if you have thoughts either pro or con, or mixed feelings. Let the 
Board and Marsha know. And if you feel comfortable doing so, copy your views to 
this listserv.
MNAboard <>
Marsha Rummel <>
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