On Mon, 8 Aug 2005, Robin Bowes wrote:
> Hi,
> All this talk of licences for future versions of Binc has led me to think 
> about
> ... future versions of Binc!
> Is there a roadmap for 1.4, for example? When can we expect to see a new 
> stable
> release? What are the tarets for this release, ie. what are you planning to be
> in it? e.g. support for server-side SORT and threading would be high on my 
> wish
> list.

I understand, but there is no road map.

Andy :-)

Andreas Aardal Hanssen   | http://www.andreas.hanssen.name/gpg
Author of Binc IMAP      |  "It is better not to do something
http://www.bincimap.org/ |        than to do it poorly."

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