On Fri, 9 Sep 2005, Andrea Riela wrote:
>Core was generated by `bincimap-up'.
>Program terminated with signal 10, Bus error.
>#0  0x0805e7a5 in ?? ()
>(gdb) bt
>#0  0x0805e7a5 in ?? ()
>#1  0x00000003 in ?? ()
>#2  0x0807d000 in ?? ()
>#3  0x0000003c in ?? ()
>#4  0x00000000 in ?? ()
>#5  0x0807ce00 in ?? ()
>#1903 0xcd500000 in ?? ()
>#1904 0x90feeb80 in ?? ()
>#1905 0xbfbfeb90 in ?? ()
>#1906 0x00000007 in ?? ()
>#1907 0xbfbfebb0 in ?? ()
>#1908 0x0000001d in ?? ()
>Cannot access memory at address 0xbfc00000

It's a recursion, caused by a bug in Binc.

In order to explain what a recursion is, it's usually best to start by
defining recursion. ;-)


Author of Binc IMAP      |  "It is better not to do something
http://www.bincimap.org/ |        than to do it poorly."

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