The port will run configure for you. I believe that the same idea still
works. Since you already have it installed you'll want to:

# cd /usr/ports/mail/bincimap
# make clean
# CXXFLAGS="-g" make
# make deinstall
# make reinstall

When make is running you should see the calls to the compiler being
parameterized with -g.


On 9/9/05 4:14 AM, "Jerry Lundström" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Andrea Riela wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> hemm ... I use the freebsd port of bincimap. It's the same?
> Yes i think so, the problem with your output is that its not compiled
> with symbolic information so we cant see where in the core it crashes.
> Can you please provide the patches freebsd adds to binc also?

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