Hey all,

I would like to have feedback on 1.2.14beta2 once/if you run it since its a pritty importent update.

The in-memory cache might still need more change since it might scan too much now. I'm also looking to implement fam (http://oss.sgi.com/projects/fam/) support in binc which will make scaning alot more friendly to the OS.

Jerry Lundström wrote:
Major fix:

- In-memory cache is now invalidated before a command is processed and
  then once someone iterates the message objects inside a mailbox the
  mailrepository is scaned and in-memory cache updated. This fixes
  problems that occur with mail clients that get notifications about
  new mail in one thread and does things with it in another thread
  (Outlook Express/MacOS X Mail).

This beta release is not released as a tarball. To checkout this release please use subversion:

$ svn checkout -r 344 https://src.bincimap.org/branches/1.2 bincimap-1.2.14beta2
$ cd bincimap-1.2.14beta2
$ ./autogen.sh
$ ./configure <options...>
$ make
$ make install

Jerry Lundström, System Developer
Section for IT and Media, Stockholms University, Sweden
+46 (0)8 16 19 99 / http://www.it.su.se

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