Release Notes for BIND Version 9.12.0rc3


   BIND 9.12.0 is a new feature release of BIND. This document summarizes
   new features and functional changes that have been introduced on this
   branch, as well as features that have been deprecated or removed. With
   each development release leading up to the final BIND 9.12.0 release,
   this document will be updated with additional features added and bugs


   The latest versions of BIND 9 software can always be found at There you will find additional
   information about each release, source code, and pre-compiled versions
   for Microsoft Windows operating systems.

Security Fixes

     * Addresses could be referenced after being freed during resolver
       processing, causing an assertion failure. The chances of this
       happening were remote, but the introduction of a delay in
       resolution increased them. This bug is disclosed in CVE-2017-3145.
       [RT #46839]

New Features

     * Many aspects of named have been modified to improve query
       performance, and in particular, performance for delegation-heavy
          + The additional cache ("acache") was found not to significantly
            improve performance and has been removed. As a result, the
            acache-enable and acache-cleaning-interval options no longer
            have any effect. For backwards compatibility, BIND will accept
            their presence in a configuration file, but will log a
          + In place of the acache, named can now use a glue cache to
            speed up retrieval of glue records when sending delegation
            responses. Unlike acache, this feature is on by default; use
            glue-cache no; to disable it.
          + minimal-responses is now set to no-auth-recursive by default.
          + The additional-from-cache and additional-from-auth options no
            longer have any effect. named will log a warning if they are
          + Several functions have been refactored to improve performance,
            including name compression, owner name case restoration,
            hashing, and buffers.
          + When built with default configure options, named no longer
            fills memory with tag values when allocating or freeing it.
            This improves performance, but makes it more difficult to
            debug certain memory-related errors. The default is reversed
            if building with developer options. named -M fill or named -M
            nofill will set the behavior accordingly regardless of build
     * Several areas of code have been refactored for improved
       readability, maintainability, and testability:
          + The named query logic implemented in query_find() has been
            split into smaller functions with a context structure to
            maintain state between them, and extensive comments have been
            added. [RT #43929]
          + Similarly the iterative query logic implemented in
            resquery_response() function has been split into smaller
            functions and comments added. [RT #45362]
     * Code implementing name server query processing has been moved from
       named to an external library, libns. This will make it easier to
       write unit tests for the code, or to link it into new tools. [RT
     * named can now synthesize negative responses (NXDOMAIN, NODATA, or
       wildcard answers) from cached DNSSEC-verified records that were
       returned in negative or wildcard responses from authoritative
       This will reduce query loads on authoritative servers for signed
       domains: when existing cached records can be used by the resolver
       to determine that a name does not exist in the authoritative
       domain, no query needs to be sent. Reducing the number of iterative
       queries should also improve resolver performance.
       This behavior is controlled by the new named.conf option
       synth-from-dnssec. It is enabled by default.
       Note: this currently only works for zones signed using NSEC.
       Support for zones signed using NSEC3 (without opt-out) is planned
       for the future.
       Thanks to APNIC for sponsoring this work.
     * When acting as a recursive resolver, named can now continue
       returning answers whose TTLs have expired when the authoritative
       server is under attack and unable to respond. This is controlled by
       the stale-answer-enable, stale-answer-ttl and max-stale-ttl
       options. [RT #44790]
     * The DNS Response Policy Service (DNSRPS) API, a mechanism to allow
       named to use an external response policy provider, is now
       supported. (One example of such a provider is "FastRPZ" from
       Farsight Security, Inc.) This allows the same types of policy
       filtering as standard RPZ, but can reduce the workload for named,
       particularly when using large and frequently-updated policy zones.
       It also enables named to share response policy providers with other
       DNS implementations such as Unbound.
       This feature is available if BIND is built with configure
       --enable-dnsrps, if a DNSRPS provider is installed, and if
       dnsrps-enable is set to "yes" in named.conf. Standard built-in RPZ
       is used otherwise.
       Thanks to Farsight Security for the contribution. [RT #43376]
     * Setting max-journal-size to default limits journal sizes to twice
       the size of the zone contents. This can be overridden by setting
       max-journal-size to unlimited or to an explicit value up to 2G.
       Thanks to Tony Finch for the contribution. [RT #38324]
     * dnstap logfiles can now be configured to automatically roll when
       they reach a specified size. If dnstap-output is configured with
       mode file, then it can take optional size and versions key-value
       arguments to set the logfile rolling parameters. (These have the
       same semantics as the corresponding options in a logging channel
       statement.) [RT #44502]
     * Logging channels and dnstap-output files can now be configured with
       a suffix option, set to either increment or timestamp, indicating
       whether log files should be given incrementing suffixes when they
       roll over (e.g., logfile.0, .1, .2, etc) or suffixes indicating the
       time of the roll. The default is increment. [RT #42838]
     * The print-time option in the logging configuration can now take
       arguments local, iso8601 or iso8601-utc to indicate the format in
       which the date and time should be logged. For backward
       compatibility, yes is a synonym for local. [RT #42585]
     * The new dnssec-cds command generates a new DS set to place in a
       parent zone, based on the contents of a child zone's validated CDS
       or CDNSKEY records. It can produce a dsset file suitable for input
       to dnssec-signzone, or a series of nsupdate commands to update the
       parent zone via dynamic DNS. Thanks to Tony Finch for the
       contribution. [RT #46090]
     * nsupdate and rndc now accept command line options -4 and -6 which
       force using only IPv4 or only IPv6, respectively. [RT #45632]
     * nsec3hash -r ("rdata order") takes arguments in the same order as
       they appear in NSEC3 or NSEC3PARAM records. This makes it easier to
       generate an NSEC3 hash using values cut and pasted from an existing
       record. Thanks to Tony Finch for the contribution. [RT #45183]
     * The new-zones-directory option allows named to store configuration
       parameters for zones added via rndc addzone in a location other
       than the working directory. Thanks to Petr Mens?k of Red Hat for
       the contribution. [RT #44853]
     * The dnstap-read -x option prints a hex dump of the wire format DNS
       message encapsulated in each dnstap log entry. [RT #44816]
     * The host -A option returns most records for a name, but omits types
       RRSIG, NSEC and NSEC3.
     * dig +ednsopt now accepts the names for EDNS options in addition to
       numeric values. For example, an EDNS Client-Subnet option could be
       sent using dig +ednsopt=ecs:.... Thanks to John Worley of Secure64
       for the contribution. [RT #44461]
     * Added support for the EDNS TCP Keepalive option (RFC 7828); this
       allows negotiation of longer-lived TCP sessions to reduce the
       overhead of setting up TCP for individual queries. [RT #42126]
     * Added support for the EDNS Padding option (RFC 7830), which
       obfuscates packet size analysis when DNS queries are sent over an
       encrypted channel. [RT #42094]
     * rndc commands which refer to zone names can now reference a zone of
       type redirect by using the special zone name "-redirect".
       (Previously this was not possible because redirect zones always
       have the name ".", which can be ambiguous.)
       In the event you need to manipulate a zone actually called
       "-redirect", use a trailing dot: "-redirect."
       Note: This change does not apply to the rndc addzone or rndc
       modzone commands.
     * named-checkconf -l lists the zones found in named.conf. [RT #43154]
     * Query logging now includes the ECS option, if one was present in
       the query, in the format "[ECS address/source/scope]".
     * By default, BIND now uses the random number generation functions in
       the cryptographic library (i.e., OpenSSL or a PKCS#11 provider) as
       a source of high-quality randomness rather than /dev/random. This
       is suitable for virtual machine environments, which may have
       limited entropy pools and lack hardware random number generators.
       This can be overridden by specifying another entropy source via the
       random-device option in named.conf, or via the -r command line
       option. However, for functions requiring full cryptographic
       strength, such as DNSSEC key generation, this cannot be overridden.
       In particular, the -r command line option no longer has any effect
       on dnssec-keygen.
       This can be disabled by building with configure
       --disable-crypto-rand, in which case /dev/random will be the
       default entropy source. [RT #31459] [RT #46047]
     * rndc managed-keys destroy shuts down all RFC 5011 DNSSEC trust
       anchor maintenance, and deletes any existing managed keys database.
       If immediately followed by rndc reconfig, this will reinitialize
       key maintenance just as if the server was being started for the
       first time.
       This is intended for testing purposes, but can be used -- with
       extreme caution -- as a brute-force repair for unrecoverable
       problems with a managed keys database, to jumpstart the key
       acquisition process if bind.keys is updated, etc. [RT #32456]
     * dnssec-signzone -S can now add or remove synchronization records
       (CDS and CDNSKEY) based on key metadata set by the -Psync and
       -Dsync options to dnssec-keygen, dnssec-settime, etc. [RT #46149]
     * dnssec-checkds -s specifies a file from which to read a DS set
       rather than querying the parent zone. This can be used to check
       zone correctness prior to publication. Thanks to Niall O'Reilly [RT

Removed Features

     * As noted above, the acache-enable, acache-cleaning-interval,
       additional-from-cache and additional-from-auth options are no
       longer effective and named will log a warning if they are set.
     * The ISC DNSSEC Lookaside Validation (DLV) service has been shut
       down; all DLV records in the zone have been removed.
       References to the service have been removed from BIND
       documentation. Lookaside validation is no longer used by default by
       delv. The DLV key has been removed from bind.keys. Setting
       dnssec-lookaside to auto or to use as a trust anchor
       results in a warning being issued.
     * The lightweight resolver daemon and library (lwresd and liblwres)
       have been removed. [RT #45186]
     * dig +sigchase and related options +trusted-keys and +topdown have
       been removed. delv is now the recommended command for looking up
       records with DNSSEC validation. [RT #42793]
     * The use of dnssec-keygen to generate HMAC keys for TSIG
       authentication has been deprecated in favor of tsig-keygen. If the
       algorithms HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1, HMAC-SHA224, HMAC-SHA256,
       HMAC-SHA384, or HMAC-SHA512 are specified, dnssec-keygen will print
       a warning message. These algorithms will be removed from
       dnssec-keygen entirely in a future release. [RT #42272]
     * The use of HMAC-MD5 for RNDC keys is no longer recommended. The
       default algorithm generated by rndc-confgen is now HMAC-SHA256. [RT
     * The isc-hmac-fixup command, which was created to address an
       interoperability problem in TSIG keys between early versions of
       BIND and other DNS implementations, is now obsolete and has been
       removed. [RT #46411]
     * Windows XP and Windows 2003 are no longer supported platforms for
       BIND; "XP" binaries are no longer available for download from ISC.

Protocol Changes

     * BIND can now use the Ed25519 and Ed448 Edwards Curve DNSSEC signing
       algorithms described in RFC 8080. Note, however, that these
       algorithms must be supported in OpenSSL; currently they are only
       available in the development branch of OpenSSL at [RT #44696]
     * When parsing DNS messages, EDNS KEY TAG options are checked for
       correctness. When printing messages (for example, in dig), EDNS KEY
       TAG options are printed in readable format.

Feature Changes

     * named will no longer start or accept reconfiguration if the working
       directory (specified by the directory option) or the managed-keys
       directory (specified by managed-keys-directory are not writable by
       the effective user ID. [RT #46077]
     * Initializing keys specified in a managed-keys statement or by
       dnssec-validation auto; are now tagged as "initializing", until
       they have been updated by a key refresh query. If key maintenance
       fails to initialize, this will be visible when running rndc
       secroots. [RT #46267]
     * Previously, update-policy local; accepted updates from any source
       so long as they were signed by the locally-generated session key.
       This has been further restricted; updates are now only accepted
       from locally configured addresses. [RT #45492]
     * dnssec-keygen no longer has default algorithm settings. It is
       necessary to explicitly specify the algorithm on the command line
       with the -a option when generating keys. This may cause errors with
       existing signing scripts if they rely on current defaults. The
       intent is to reduce the long-term cost of transitioning to newer
       algorithms in the event of RSASHA1 being deprecated. [RT #44755]
     * The Response Policy Zone (RPZ) implementation has been
       substantially refactored: updates to the RPZ summary database are
       no longer directly performed by the zone database but by a separate
       function that is called when a policy zone is updated. This
       improves both performance and reliability when policy zones receive
       frequent updates. Summary database updates can be rate-limited by
       using the min-update-interval option in a response-policy
       statement. [RT #43449]
     * dnstap now stores both the local and remote addresses for all
       messages, instead of only the remote address. The default output
       format for dnstap-read has been updated to include these addresses,
       with the initiating address first and the responding address
       second, separated by "->" or "<-" to indicate in which direction
       the message was sent. [RT #43595]
     * Expanded and improved the YAML output from dnstap-read -y: it now
       includes packet size and a detailed breakdown of message contents.
       [RT #43622] [RT #43642]
     * Threads in named are now set to human-readable names to assist
       debugging on operating systems that support that. Threads will have
       names such as "isc-timer", "isc-sockmgr", "isc-worker0001", and so
       on. This will affect the reporting of subsidiary thread names in ps
       and top, but not the main thread. [RT #43234]
     * If an ACL is specified with an address prefix in which the prefix
       length is longer than the address portion (for example,, it will now be treated as a fatal error during
       configuration. [RT #43367]
     * dig now warns about .local queries which are reserved for Multicast
       DNS. [RT #44783]
     * The view associated with the query is now logged unless it it is
       "_default/IN" or "_dnsclient/IN" when logging DNSSEC validator
     * When named was reconfigured, failure of some zones to load
       correctly could leave the system in an inconsistent state; while
       generally harmless, this could lead to a crash later when using
       rndc addzone. Reconfiguration changes are now fully rolled back in
       the event of failure. [RT #45841]
     * Multiple cookie-secret clauses are now supported. The first
       cookie-secret in named.conf is used to generate new server cookies.
       Any others are used to accept old server cookies or those generated
       by other servers using the matching cookie-secret.
     * A new statistics counter has been added to track prefetch queries.
       [RT #45847]
     * A new statistics counter has been added to track priming queries.
       [RT #46313]
     * The dnssec-signzone -x flag and the dnssec-dnskey-kskonly option in
       named.conf, which suppress the use of the ZSK when signing DNSKEY
       records, now also apply to CDNSKEY and CDS records. Thanks to Tony
       Finch for the contribution. [RT #45689]
     * Trust anchor telemetry messages, as specified by RFC 8145, are now
       logged to the trust-anchor-telemetry logging category.
     * The filter-aaaa-on-v4 and filter-aaaa-on-v6 options are no longer
       conditionally compiled in named. [RT #46340]

Bug Fixes

     * Attempting to validate improperly unsigned CNAME responses from
       secure zones could cause a validator loop. This caused a delay in
       returning SERVFAIL and also increased the chances of encountering
       the crash bug described in CVE-2017-3145. [RT #46839]
     * Zones created with rndc addzone could temporarily fail to inherit
       the allow-transfer ACL set in the options section of named.conf.
       [RT #46603]
     * The introduction of libns caused a bug in which TCP client objects
       were not recycled after use, leading to unconstrained memory
       growth. [RT #46029]
     * Some header files included <isc/util.h> incorrectly as it pollutes
       with namespace with non ISC_ macros and this should only be done by
       explicitly including <isc/util.h>. This has been corrected. Some
       code may depend on <isc/util.h> being implicitly included via other
       header files. Such code should explicitly include <isc/util.h>.
     * named failed to properly determine whether there were active KSK
       and ZSK keys for an algorithm when update-check-ksk was true (which
       is the default setting). This could leave records unsigned when
       rolling keys. [RT #46743] [RT #46754] [RT #46774]


   BIND is open source software licenced under the terms of the Mozilla
   Public License, version 2.0 (see the LICENSE file for the full text).

   The license requires that if you make changes to BIND and distribute
   them outside your organization, those changes must be published under
   the same license. It does not require that you publish or disclose
   anything other than the changes you have made to our software. This
   requirement does not affect anyone who is using BIND, with or without
   modifications, without redistributing it, nor anyone redistributing
   BIND without changes.

   Those wishing to discuss license compliance may contact ISC at

End of Life

   The end-of-life date for BIND 9.12 has not yet been determined.
   However, it is not intended to be an Extended Support Version (ESV)
   branch; accordingly, support will end after the next stable branch
   (9.14) becomes available. Those needing a longer-lived branch are
   encouraged to use the current ESV, BIND 9.11, which will be supported
   until December 2021. See for details of
   ISC's software support policy.

Thank You

   Thank you to everyone who assisted us in making this release possible.
   If you would like to contribute to ISC to assist us in continuing to
   make quality open source software, please visit our donations page at

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