ISC invites all BIND 9 administrators to attend our upcoming webinar series, 
hosted by our own Alan Clegg. These ten lectures will take you through a 
full-day class on DNSSEC theory, history, implementation, and troubleshooting, 
using current versions of BIND 9.

Session topics include:

1 - Why Do We Need DNSSEC?
2 - DNSSEC Development & Deployment (History)
3 - Basic Cryptography and DNS Background for DNSSEC
4 - Resolution and Validation, Negative Trust Anchors
5 - Record Types and Keys
6 - Signatures and NSEC Records
7 - Signing with BIND
8 - Changing Keys, Changing Algorithms
9 - Ongoing Maintenance for DNSSEC, Including the New KASP Tool in BIND
10 - Troubleshooting DNSSEC Issues

The entire series will be recorded, with recordings posted for later playback, 
so don't worry if you cannot attend every lecture live. Register once and 
attend as many live sessions as you like.

The series starts Wednesday, February 5th at 10 AM PST/1 PM EST/6 PM UTC. Find 
out more and register early; we can only accept 100 participants: 

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