Step 1: Set up the new master as a clone of the old master.

Step 2: Reconfigure/demote the old master to the status of slave. All other slaves will continue to get updates from the old master/new slave, and the magic of DNS notify will make replication from new master to old master to others quick and painless, once you have completed...

Step 3: Update the NS RRsets and SOA records of all zones to reflect the existence of the new master. This will cause DNS notify to function properly. Make sure you update the zone serial numbers as well.

Step 4: Reconfigure all slaves to refer to the new master instead of (or in addition to and in preference to) the old master. This will allow you to remove the old master if you wish to do so, and will make the chain of replication that much shorter and more reliable.

Step 5: If you plan to remove the old master, go ahead and do so in all locations: registration records (delegation and glue records at parent zone(s)), zone NS records, possibly even the old master's A record. Wait a few days after doing this before...

Step 6: Finally retire the old master.

Chris Buxton
Men & Mice

On Dec 10, 2008, at 10:00 PM, Chris Henderson wrote:

I'm migrating away from my 12 year old Solaris master DNS server to a
new Linux based master server. I'm looking for suggestions on how to
make the transition smooth without any downtime. The IP address of the
new server will be different and so will be the hostname that will
show up in the whois record. Is there any way to run two master at the
same time and when I know the new master is working, I can turn off
the old one? Would that be a good idea? I am open to any suggestions.

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