In message <>, Johan Ihren 
> Hash: SHA1
> I realise this just has to be a user error, but sofar I've been  
> completely unsuccessful in getting an authenticated response from a  
> 9.6.0 recursive server with trusted keys correctly configured.
> I've done this:
> * Signed the zones:
> "parent" is signed with NSEC semantics, key algorithm is RSASHA1
> "child1.parent" is signed with NSEC, key algorithm is RSASHA1
> "child2.parent" is signed with NSEC3, key algorithm is NSEC3RSASHA1

        Did you tell dnssec-signzone to generate NSEC3 chains rather
        than NSEC chains.  NSEC3RSASHA1 allows for both NSEC and
        NSEC3 chains and dnssec-signzone defaults to NSEC chains.

        dnssec-signzone -3 salt [-H iterations] [-A] ....

> * Created the secure delegations:
> the DS records for child1.parent and child2.parent both use the  
> correct algorithm numbers (5 and 7 respectively)
> * Configured a trusted key for "parent" in a recursive server:
> The trusted key is correctly configured, because I'm able to validate  
> positive responses from all three zones (which also proves that the  
> delegations are correctly secured via the DS records). I'm also able  
> to validate negative responses from "parent" and "child1.parent".
> And, yes, I have "dnssec-enable yes; dnssec-validation yes;" in  
> relevant places.
> But I fail to validate the interesting case, i.e. a negative response  
> from child2.parent containing NSEC3 records as the proof. I get the  
> response, with all the NSEC3s and their RRSIGs. But no AD bit.
> Anyone done this recently who can give me a suggestion to where I may  
> go wrong?
> Johan
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (Darwin)
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