The behavior of 'rndc halt -p' appears to be different from the documentation.

According to the BIND 9.4 ARM rndc section:
halt [-p] Stop the server immediately. Recent changes made through dynamic update or IXFR are not saved to the master files, but will be rolled forward from the journal files when the server is restarted. If -p is specified named’s process id is returned. This allows an external
process to determine when named had completed halting.

But the actual behavior seems to be that 'rndc halt -p' returns immediately with the PID of named, but a 'ps -ef' shows named still running until it's done answering its unfinished recursive queries (or whatever it's busy doing).

Is rndc broken, or is the documentation wrong, or am I missing something?

If it makes a difference, this is on a server that exclusively does recursive resolution and does not serve any authoritative zones.


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