In message <>, Scott Haneda writ
> Damnit, ever time I search this stuff out, I search for "named  
> something-or-other" and should use BIND in my search :)
> I am going to test deploy on my worksation on OS X.  Named comes up  
> with relative ease, just add a key and I am pretty much up and  
> running, albeit out of date, but for testing, I am ok with that.
> Are you telling me I need not even build named to get DLZ support?  It  
> is just there already?

        You have to tell configure that you want it.  It's still
        contributed code.
> I see you are using postgress, mysql or sqllite should not be an issue  
> either?
> Zones are backed in DB, but not queried in real time are there?  If  
> they are, I can see, sub 50ms return times going way up.
> Thanks for pointing me in the right direction, I will go read the DLZ  
> pages now.
> On Jan 28, 2009, at 10:25 PM, David Ford wrote:
> > Use the DLZ extension.  It's been around for a while.
> >
> > I.e. put the following in your named.conf and use whatever interface  
> > you
> > wish.  I use Ant with a few modifications.  I don't have nearly the
> > number of domains that you do so my simple system works fine.
> >
> >
> >  dlz "postgres zone" {
> >    database "postgres 2
> >      {host=localhost dbname=dns_data user=bind  
> > password=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx}
> >      {SELECT 'TRUE' FROM canonical WHERE lower(content) =
> > lower('%zone%') limit 1}
> >      {SELECT ttl, type, priority, data FROM record, canonical WHERE
> > lower(content) = lower('%zone%') AND host = '%record%' AND zone =  
> > domain}
> >      {}
> >      {SELECT ttl, type, host, priority, data FROM record, canonical
> > WHERE zone = domain AND lower(content) = lower('%zone%')}
> >      {SELECT 'TRUE' FROM xfr, canonical WHERE zone = domain AND
> > lower(content) = lower('%zone%') AND client = inet '%client%'}";
> >  };
> >
> > Rather spiffy for centralizing your record store with immediate change
> > visibility.
> --
> Scott
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